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Registration is now open for NYONL Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference and Pre-Conference

Posted 11 months ago

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The NYONL Board of Directors and the 2023 Annual Meeting Planning Committee are pleased to offer registration for our annual signature events! 

The Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference will be held September 10-12. This year's theme is Unifying Our Voices, Nurse Leaders Building a Stronger Future.  An outstanding lineup of speakers will discuss strategies to unite our voices with stakeholders' from all areas of practice and all disciplines, to strengthen the healthcare workforce. Topics will include: evolving care models, leadership innovations, strengthening the voices of nurses in the media, supporting newer generations of nurse leaders, and the importance and impact of nurse leader advocacy. Member-led breakout and plenary sessions and posters, as well as our annual Claire Murray Best Practices Award winners will also be featured.

The Pre-Conference Session, entitled Nurses Deliver: Tell Your Story. Engage the Media. Transform Healthcare! will be held On Sunday morning September 10th. In this dynamic session, Barbara Glickstein, MS, MPH, RN, FAAN, Principal, Barbara Glickstein Strategies, will explore the strategic use of power to transform healthcare, including the importance of framing key issues for target audiences, and using one’s voice for highlighting both issues and potential creative solutions, including interactions with media.  The session will also feature the stories of three nurse leader exemplars who have risen to unique positions within the profession.

Separate registration is required for each event.  Please visit our website for information, agendas and to register:

We are offering Early Bird discount pricing through July 14th. Use promo code EARLYBIRD when registering! 

Don't delay. This year's events are not to be missed!